Future Design Embassies – Opening Ceremony 19.10.2022 15:00 CET R1.28

Lehrgebiet: Form und Kontext

Prof. Marion Digel
Sebastian Goldschmidtböing

Invitation/ Einladung

to the opening ceremony of the Future Design Embassy at the Folkwang University of the Arts!

The Folkwang University  of the Arts (NRW Germany) and the Vignelli Center for Design Studies at RIT (NY USA) open EMBASSIES FOR DESIGN PERSPECTIVES as places for transfer, research, experimentation and exchange of diverse positions. Both Universities select student ambassadors who are going to visit congresses and lead design workshops in each other‘s countries on the topic "Backtracking Modern Times. Are the ideas of Modernism sufficient to solve 21st Century problems?“

In doing so, the student ambassadors acquire skills for future design activities in an international context. They publish their results in a travel logbook, in open access and print media, as well as expand the network of EMBASSIES FOR DESIGN PERSPECTIVES.

The Folkwang Future Design Embassy consists of Prof. Marion Digel, the initiator and director of the project FUTURE DESIGN PERSPECTIVES, designer and lecturer at the Industrial Design faculty, Sebastian Goldschmidtböing and Art- and Design Studies Master Student Karen Druebert. Industrial Design Master student Celina Kroder and Art- and Design Studies Master student Alina Rogge are the first Folkwang Ambassadors.

Each campus has an embassy office, where the embassy team can properly prepare the workshops, revise the results, research and document their activities and receive guests interested in the program for coffee and exchange.

The entire Folkwang Embassy Team is pleased to invite you to the grand opening of the Folkwang Future Design Embassy on October 19th, 15.00 at Quartier Nord, Room 1.28. 

We would be happy to see you there!

Alina, Celina, Karen, Marion and Sebastian –  The Embassy Team



Finally the Future Design Embassy of Folkwang has opened – A place for transfer, research, experimentation and intercultural exchange for future designers.

The Folkwang Embassy Team, Karen Druebert, Marion Digel, Sebastian Goldschmidtböing and the first two student ambassadors, Celina Kroder and Alina Rogge celebrated the embassy opening with the American partners from RIT, Josh Owen and Juan Carlos Noguera, who were in attendance via Zoom. Guests were students and faculty from the Folkwang Industrial Design departments, Product Design and Design Futures.

Project Director of the Future Design Embassies, Marion Digel welcomed the guests and explained the concept and aims of the project in which international student ambassadors of both partner institutions get to travel abroad and conduct a design workshop, centered around the research topic: "Backtracking Modern Times. Are the ideas of Modernism sufficient to solve 21st Century problems?" She also talked about how intercultural exchange, dialogue, openness, relevance and sustainability are essential for the program as well as for our global society.

After that Josh Owen and Juan Carlos Noguera introduced themselves and their institution and sent their greetings.
Celina Kroder and Alina Rogge introduced their workshop " Light and Liminality" which will take place at the Vignelli Center of Design Studies at RIT Nov. 7th - 11th 2022.
The embassy was opened with a Japanese saw and a balloon powered car didn't quite make it as the solution for future mobility :-)
Then the opening was toasted with sparkling wine and snacks. Good fortune to the project!

The project Future design Embassies – international student ambassadors is sponsored by the "Stiftung für innovative Hochschullehre".
