Royal Academy of Art, The Hague

Supervised by Christoph Seyferth & Bert Lonsain


How would you describe the Furry Entity to your friends and when did it move in with you?

It feels different to my usual furniture, as if it had a soul. It is interesting to see the material bend as you use it. The fur is very fluffy.

We live together since a short amount of time, even though I feel like I know it already for quite some years.

What do you think distinguishes the furniture from others?

It is very flexible, but it still shows its own will.

Where did you place it in your home?

It found a place to stay where we usually hang out. We moved our old furniture to give it space to spread out. We would change the layout of the cushions every other day.

Why would you not consider having it at your desk or in the kitchen?

I tried using it at work but it distracted me too much. Our kitchen is too small, it did not feel comfortable there.

What other uses did you consider for the object?

I consider it an integral part of our family. It knows all about our seating habits and adapts to them. It melts with your body when you sit on it.

Did you try any experiments?

We tried connecting with the object. I put it on my head the other day to see how it would feel like. I felt very calm and hugged, the object has a warmth to it.